Call#2 for applications CHORAL



Call#2 for applications CHORAL

alarm Launch:

15/11/2024 at 17:00

schedule Closing:

15/01/2025 at 23:59


Time zone: Europe/Paris

CHORAL (Cultural Heritage Outreach in RomAnce Languages) is a Horizon Europe Marie Skłodowska Curie programme co-funded by the European Union. It is tied to the Cultural Heritage Hub, an international research network within the UNITA Alliance, which structures its research ecosystem facing cultural related challenges.

CHORAL aims to train high-quality international researchers and to nurture the development of interdisciplinary, international and inter-sectoral research that addresses any aspect of Cultural Heritage. The program spans a wide range of scientific domains, including architecture,anthropology, arts and culture, computer science, history, literature, linguistics, management, musicology and more.

Selected candidates will be enrolled in PhD programs under joint supervision, awarding a double degree and requiring international mobility.

Applications are open until January 15, 2025 for 14 grants on 25 PhD research topics in 7 universities of the UNITA Alliance (USMB, UPPA , UNIZAR, UPNA, UNITO, UNIBS, UNITBV) for  fully funded  3-years PhDs, starting on fall 2025.

For more information, candidates can consult CHORAL's website and the Guide for Applicants.